Transferring your study to top design universities worldwide from LCDF - Hanoi

Students from London College for Design & Fashion - Hanoi have 3 different options for study transfer below. Please explore what we have to offer.
1+3: 1 year foundation and 3 years abroad
This is the ideal option for those who plan to spend more time living and probably working abroad. The 1-year programme is specially designed to support students thinking of applying to a degree course in a "Design" subject, such as Fashion, Graphic Design, Interior Architecture and Design, Illustration and Photography.

LCDF - Hanoi students graduated from the University of the West of England, Bristol, UK
Elisabeth Donnan, one of our student from the UK in our International Foundation: Art & Design shared with us about her experience at LCDF - Hanoi via the link below.
After studying this programme, Beth found her own strengths in Animation. She was accepted to study this programme at Kingston University, UK.
2 + 2: 2 years in Vietnam and 2 years abroad
Phan Thuy Trang, currently studying at Fashion Institute of Technology, New York (FIT) shared: “I chose to study in Vietnam and then went to the USA. The advantage of this option is that I had an internship in Hanoi after studying her so that I could gain practical experience and add more works to my portfolio. When I studied in FIT, there was a subject that required students to submit works and projects outside the school and I already had the work from Vietnam . This study option brought me better experience and preparation when studying abroad.”

An illustration works by Phan Thuy Trang while studying at LCDF - Hanoi
Joshua Hoan Nguyen was a fashion design student at LCDF-Hanoi in 2012. After studying 2 years, he transferred to the School of Design, University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol, UK. He's now working in London after his study as a Pattern Designer. Below is his collection for the brand at London Fashion Week Spring Summer 2020.

3 + 1: 3 years in Vietnam and 1 year abroad
Pham Phuong Thao (far right below) studied Graphic Design at LCDF - Hanoi and transferred her final year to the School of Design, University of the West of England (UWE Bristol) shared her thoughts: "The international environment from LCDF-Hanoi made it easier to me to become more confident when studying abroad, I joined a dance club with many students from all over the world".

Having trained hundreds of students to study abroad, Mrs. Ha Thi Hang, managing director of the London College for Design and Fashion- Hanoi, shared: "If you intend to return to Vietnam to work, you should choose to study longer in Vietnam ( 2 + 2 or 3+1). If you want to work abroad, you should plan to study there longer (1 + 3 or 2 + 2). Design is a very pratical subject that you need understand the market, local customers, culture and establish relationships with companies through internship opportunities. The more connections and experience, the better opportunities you many have.”
LCDF – Hanoi students have studied to the following art and design universities and colleges worldwide.
- Northumbria University (Newcastle)
- University of the Art London (London)
- Liverpool John Moore University, School of Design
- The University of the West of England (Bristol)
- The Middlesex Middlesex (London)
- The University of Gloucestershire (Gloucestershire)
- Instituto Marangoni (London)
- Art University Bournemouth
- Kingston University (London)
- University of East London
- Salford University (Manchester)
- University of Herdforshire (London)
- Savannah College of Arts and Design (USA)
- Colombus College of Arts and Design (USA)